Seeking Knowledge is an Obligation
ICC was founded in 1989 by a group of well guided muslims of College of Engineering, Trivandrum. It has now evolved into an organisation which caters the needs of muslims in the college.
Explore MoreEvents
Events are often organised by the committee of ICC CET to learn more about the organisation, network and meet other muslim community of our college. Farewells are conducted every year to nurture the memories of the life as an ICC member.
Alumni Zone
ICC CET has annual committee elections conducted to announce the Student Committee who actively participates in the work of the committee, provide thoughtful inputs to committee deliberations, and focus on the best interests of the association and committee goals rather than on personal interests.
ICC CET has a rich tradition of conducting islamic programs, Quran classes, Islamic moral classes, islamic quiz competitions and many more. They were indented to network, meet and share thoughts on the islamic way of life and align ourselves to the moral ways of Almighty.